Whois is a customer electricity that communicates with its servers worldwide to get domain registration information. It is available for free download in its entirety standalone for Windows.
a summary of Nsasoft Whois
It is a client energy that exchanges messages with its global machines to get information about website registrations. It quickly chooses the correct client for Ip lists and supports Ip target questions. This instrument will look up data regarding a realm, Isp target, or subscription.
Characteristics of Nsasoft Whois
- simple to use
- Informatics solve answers are supported.
- Find out information about a domain, Ip tackle, or site subscription.
Structure demands and professional specifics
- Os supported: Windows 7 / 8 / 10
- Celeron Quadruplet or higher cpu
- 1 Gb of ram( two extras are advised )
- 200 Kb or more of free hard disk space
Information about the product
Report moniker: whois file
Developed by – Nsasoft
Edition – 3.1.4
Software of the certificate type
Release Date
English is one of the cultures.
Full number of downloads: 344
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